Couple of things I want to write about.
Number one? Stimulus $$$.
Now, you (and I) would have thought that LBWN as an organization, doing all the good deeds it does – stabilizing and revitalizing the neighborhood – that it would be right up there on the list of eligibility for some Big Money. Well, my friends, not exactly.
See, it would be different if LBWN were doing things citywide, then . . . maybe. But as I understand (kind of) the Governmentspeak, heretofore, therefore, etc., etc., because its scope is local . . . then . . . sorry.
But, perhaps there is hope. Now, this is just me talking . . . maybe one of the many funding sources is eligible and if they are, well, do I hear trickling down?
The other thing? The Alfons Art Gallery.
Yes. There is an art gallery in the neighborhood. Art. Gallery. White walls. Wood floors. With actual art in it and on the walls. Who knew? I didn’t. And I graduated with a Fine Arts degree.
I thought that all the galleries were either downtown or in the Third Ward. How wrong I was. The Sisters of Saint Francis have as part of their mission, a commitment to the visual arts, and to honor that commitment, there is an open-to-the-public gallery (and gift shop) tucked away on the second floor of their HQ at 1501 S. Layton Blvd., that positively wreaks of sincerity. It’s not a place that feels intimidating. Hey, the Sisters were wearing black long before it was trendy.
Check it out. Seriously.
Mel, this is great info! I will definitely have to check it out! Thanks for letting us know ;)